Beiträge von Gloeckchen

    (sorry if this is in English, but its just a quick post....!)

    Was just looking it over real quick before leaving work (!!!), might have been posted already, but this is how I first sorted them out. Its similar to how you first get double ended triplets by playing until you relax enough so that your had over-rotates and they just happen, then later you learn to control that muscle movement. For single ended rolls:

    Do a DDU until you relax enough for it to almost get sloppy. relax you arm, relax your grip, etc. Soon enough you will likely start to knotice a little DuDU, almost feeling like a little drag roll in between the two downs. That's what you're after at first. If you practice that for a couple of hours you have it full stop. Learn to control it, make it faster and there you are.
