Wer spielt schnelle Irische Musik?

  • Hi,
    ich hab Brendan soweit darüber informiert und er meinte, dass da wohl was beim erstellen der page durcheinander geraten sei ;-)

    Und hier die Antwort von Brendan auf die Mitteilung wessen Stücke das sind:

    "Ah Stefan
    I found it. Damien Quinn a brillant player he was in a studio once and
    hit the bodhran 69 times from top to bottom. He was also on a cd with
    Donal Lunny called Donal Lunny it was recorded in 1987 if you can get it
    get it, it is very good mucic. Damien played with Calua the only cd they
    made as far as I know I have not seen any of them for about 5 years.
    All the best